83 - Asterix and the Falling Sky

Asterix and the falling sky

Asterix and Falling Sky was published in 2005 and was written and illustrated by Albert Uderzo.

While going to the forest for their usual boar hunt, Asterix and Obelix are surprised that the boars are not moving and the birds aren’t singing. They go back to the village and everyone except for Getafix, the druid is frozen stiff. What’s going on? A, O and Getafix notice a large shadow above their village. It’s a giant golden space ship.

The alien on board called Toon is from another planet and has come to earth to warn the villagers about another alien species that wants to get their greedy hands on the magic potion. How they know about this, doesn’t get explained. Toon turns a switch on in his big spaceship and everything comes back to normal (no one's frozen anymore).

Well, the bad guy comes to earth and the magic potions doesn’t have any effect on either alien and they eventually leave. The end.

This may be one of the most disappointing Asterix books I’ve read so far. I have a feeling A. Uderzo must have wanted this book to appeal to children under ten. There are quite a few puns in this story but I couldn’t muster too much amusement at them.

I have a feeling Uderzo had to kill eight more pages at the end... there really is no point in the last eight pages.

Well, if you have a young child in the house, this book might be perfect for him/her. This story is for the Pixar - Toy Story generation.

© Quigley Mark 2013