206 - Death with My Little People

Sometimes I get stuck with the same theme over and over.

Last month, I was drawing people dancing… now it’s people about to get killed by scary monsters.

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I’m not sure what this says about my personality. It’s the thought of someone about to be chomped to death that somehow stimulates me when illustrating these drawings.

I hate to admit it but I’ve often laughed at death… I still remember watching Raising Arizona as a child and the scene that got me laughing to death was when the cute and innocent bunny on the side of road gets blown up by a grenade. And then there was the Godzilla movie from the 80’s where Bambi gets stomped to death by a giant foot before the opening credits. Tarantino’s films (his earlier ones) entertained me quite a bit.

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Laughing at death is a bit of an acquired taste and of course I don’t laugh at “real” death (well…. that depends too). People should try to lighten up when watching movies or whatever since it’s not real… but alas some take things too literally.

Hopefully this blog write up hasn’t bored you to death.

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© Quigley Mark 2013