163 - (One) #1 by Vladimir Radunsky - children's book review

(one) #1.jpg

(one) #1 was created by Vladimir Radunsky. It was published by Viking in 2003.

This is a story about an armadillo, called number 6, that has nine other siblings. He believes that he is number one and says why he’s the strongest, the bravest, the fastest, etc. By the end, we learn what the whole family think of him.

I think I read another book by Radunsky and it made absolutely no sense. This book is a little more straightforward.

The armadillos are very cute in these paintings. Most of this story is quite weird but all of what number 6 says is quite believable (I’m sure there are lots of braggarts like this).

The typeface (font) looks like a jumbo sized Gill Sans and the size varies to emphasize things.

After rolling your eyes for most of the story the ending is quite satisfactory.

(one) #1 is a pretty fun book. If you enjoy something that’s a little chaotic, I’m sure you’ll like this book.

© Quigley Mark 2013